Round Box Luxury Deep Red Roses

Round Box Luxury Deep Red Roses


This beautiful arrangement consists of about 14 Luxury Roses encased in a round box vase, with removable clear covering. An ideal gift to spoil yourself or someone you love, this stunning arrangement brings style and elevation to any small or medium-sized space.

This arrangement uses Luxury Roses, 100% real roses preserved to last up to a year without the need too water or sunlight.

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What is an Eternity Rose?

The Eternity roses used at LOVE BOX Flower Boutique are 100% real roses that come from the colorful rose farms of Ecuador. Each rose is carefully cultivated until it reaches a full bloom. Once the rose reaches its peak, it is then cut and it undergoes a dehydration process to preserve the rose. The rose is treated in a mixture that does not contain toxic chemicals, plastics or synthetic fibers. This replaces the sap within from the stem to the petals. The result: Our Eternity rose that looks and feels as natural as it did in the rose fields, without the need of watering.